Rabbi Shlomo Aharon Kazarnovsky

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Rabbi Shlomo Aharon Kazarnovsky (1897-1982) was a talmid of Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch and a chossid of the Rebbe Rashab, the Frierdiker Rebbe, and the Rebbe. He was one of the most prominent chassidim in America, who helped acquire 770 for the Frierdiker Rebbe, and served for many years as chairman of Agudas Chassidei Chabad in the United States. He also served on the boards of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, Machne Israel, Vaad Shomrei Shabbos and Nicho"ch.

Early Life and Education[edit | edit source]

Rabbi Kazarnovsky was born in 1897 in Mohilev on the Dnieper. When he was 12 or 13 years old, two Temimim who came to his city made a strong impression on him, and they suggested he join the yeshiva in Lubavitch.

When he arrived in Lubavitch, the menahel at the time - the Frierdiker Rebbe - informed them that since the zman had already started, they weren't accepting bochurim until the next year.

Shlomo Aharon didn't want to return home, and went to visit Rebbetzin Rivka - the Rebbe Rashab's mother. She asked his surname and when he answered 'Kazarnovsky', the Rebbetzin said "Sit down, I'll tell you your yichus" and explained how they were descendants of the Mitteler Rebbe. When he said he wanted to enter the yeshiva but the menahel said they wouldn't accept now, she told him to stay in Lubavitch that night, and the next day Reb Shlomo Aharon received a message from the menahel that he was accepted to the yeshiva.

The Rebbetzin then said he was accepted because of her, on condition that he make kiddush for her every Shabbos after Musaf, which he did until her last day.

He learned in Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch from 1911 until 1917.

Marriage and America[edit | edit source]

He married Chaya Freida, daughter of Reb Asher Grossman, in 1921. After their wedding they lived in Russia for several years, and in 1926 they immigrated to America.

In his first year he served as rav in the Ein Yaakov shul in Rochester, New York, then moved to New York. In winter 1929 he became rav of Congregation Bnei Yitzchok and Tiferes Yisroel in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn.

Chabad Activities[edit | edit source]

He served as secretary and director of Agudas Chabad in the United States for several years. In 1938, when "Achos Temimim" was established in Brooklyn, the Frierdiker Rebbe appointed him as one of three mashpi'im for this group of girls.

When the Frierdiker Rebbe escaped and arrived in New York on 9 Adar 1940, he immediately began searching for and purchasing a building for Chabad headquarters and the Frierdiker Rebbe's home.

At the end of that summer he purchased 770 Eastern Parkway, and from then on was in charge of building matters. In 1959-1960 he was involved in building the expanded shul in what had been the courtyard.

In 1942 he arranged the purchase of the Chabad section in Montefiore Cemetery (after the passing of Rebbetzin Shterna Sarah, wife of the Rebbe Rashab).

At the beginning of the Rebbe's nesius, he searched for and helped purchase a home for the Rebbe and Rebbetzin on President Street.

In 1956 when the Rebbe established the vocational school in Kfar Chabad, he appointed him as his shliach for the dedication, and from then on he managed the fund supporting the institution.

He can be seen sitting behind the Rebbe at many farbrengens.

Passing[edit | edit source]

He continued all these activities until his passing on 7 Cheshvan 1983.

His matzeiva reads: "Worked energetically for Chabad institutions in Eretz Yisroel, and planted Chabad's vineyard in America, close to and accomplished much for Beis Chayeinu, and was shown special affection by our Rebbeim, served in kodesh as a rav for over 50 years, spread Torah and Chassidus and brought hearts closer, particularly youth to Yiddishkeit until his last day."

His wife Chaya Freida passed away on 11 Nissan 1987.

Children[edit | edit source]

  • Reb Moshe Kazarnovsky - Among the first talmidim of the Central Tomchei Temimim and member of Tzeirei Agudas Chabad in USA.
  • Reb Chaim Asher Kazarnovsky - Passed away 18 Adar II 1989.
  • Mrs. Sarah Stack, wife of Reb Yisroel Hakohen Stack - Shliach to Connecticut.
  • Mrs. Risia Poizner, wife of Reb Yitzchok Zalman Poizner - Shliach to Tennessee. Passed away 11 Cheshvan 2007.
  • Mrs. Rivka Schafstein, wife of Reb Azriel Zelig Scharfstein - Rav of Cincinnati.
  • His granddaughter Mrs. Sterna Sarah, wife of Rabbi Tzvi Yechiel Grinblat - Head Shliach to Argentina.