Rabbi Eliyahu Matusov

Rabbi Eliyahu Matusov is a member of Otzar HaChassidim editorial board and the Institute for Preparing Dach (Chassidic discourses) for publication. He assisted in editing Chassidic seforim published by Vaad L'Hafatzas Sichos.

Life HistoryEdit

Born in Casablanca, Morocco in 1954 to his father, the shliach Rabbi Shlomo Matusov.

Shortly after his bar mitzvah, he went to study at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in Brunoy.

At age 18, he traveled to the Rebbe for the first time, arriving at Chatzros Kodsheinu on 18 Elul 1972.

Towards Tishrei 1975, he transferred to study at the Central Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim at 770, where he participated in reviving the publication of Haoros HaTmimim V'Anash produced by the yeshiva students. He had the merit to present bound volumes to the Rebbe on behalf of the editorial board during the farbrengen of 11 Nissan 1977.

In 1980, he joined the staff of the Institute for Preparing Dach for publication.

In 1980, he married the daughter of Rabbi Moshe Levartov and settled in Crown Heights, dedicating his time to editing the writings of our Rebbeim for publication, researching the history of our Rebbeim and their families, and bibliography.

Today he serves as a member of Otzar HaChassidim and the Institute for Preparing Dach for publication. He is also a book editor and among the editors of indexes to the teachings of our Rebbeim.

His SeforimEdit

  • The Exodus from Russia (Book) - Co-editor with R' Shneur Zalman Berger, covering the exodus from Russia in 1946 and the DP camps period. Based on Rabbi Shlomo Matusov's archives.
  • Eye for an Eye - How to Research Jewish Figures, comprehensive research faithful to sources about the Rambam and Tzaddik Rabbi Moshe (son of the Alter Rebbe), 2014
  • Mikvaos in Halacha, New York 2008
  • Biography of Rabbi Moshe ben Admor HaZaken, New York 2016
  • Treasury of Commentaries on Tanya Chapters 1-3, 584 pages, New York 2021
  • Esrogim in Halacha - The Tradition of Calabria Esrogim, New York 2023

Additional ReadingEdit

  • Otzar HaChassidim, in Kfar Chabad Weekly issue 1887 page 60
  • Shneur Berger, The Holy Rav's Son Whose Life Was an Enigma, interview in Beis Moshiach Weekly marking the publication of his book 'Biography of Rabbi Moshe', 11 Iyar 2016
  • Divrei Elokim Chaim in JEM's weekly publication 'My Encounter', Parshas Beshalach 2020