United States of America

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The United States of America is a federation of fifty states with a total population of over three hundred and thirty million residents. These states are mostly located in the North American continent.

The Nasi Hador - the Rebbe and the second-largest Jewish population in the world after Israel, reside in the United States. 770 - the world center of Chabad Chassidus, is located in New York, the most populated city in the United States.

The Rebbe refers to the United States as a "Malchus Shel Chesed."

Chabad Community[edit | edit source]

The establishment of the Chabad community in the United States began with the start of pogroms in Russia, which caused a large migration of chassidim to the United States. Today, the Chabad community in the United States is one of the most important communities in Chabad, and it contains the world Chabad center - 770.

The Dwelling Place of Chabad Chassidus Center in the Country[edit | edit source]

In the Kuntres Beis Rabbeinu SheBavel, which the Rebbe published in 5752, it states that the Nasi Doreinu established his place specifically in the lower hemisphere where Matan Torah did not occur, in order to spread the wellsprings of Chassidus there.

An additional reason for establishing the dwelling of the Nasi Hador specifically in the United States is that it contains the majority of Bnei Yisroel in our generation.

The Rebbe also brings in that same kuntres the saying of the Frierdiker Rebbe that 'Lubavitch underwent ten exiles,' with the American exile being the final one from which we will transition to the Beis Hamikdash in rebuilt Yerushalayim.

The Arrival of Our Rebbeim to the Country[edit | edit source]

The first time the Frierdiker Rebbe came to the United States was in 5690, after visiting Eretz Yisroel. The Frierdiker Rebbe stayed in the United States for about half a year and met with the then President of the United States.

The second time the Frierdiker Rebbe came to America was for permanent settlement, on 9 Adar II 5700, due to the events of World War II. During that period, the Rebbe remained in France until 28 Sivan 5701, when the Rebbe managed to reach the United States.

When the Frierdiker Rebbe arrived in America, America was then at the peak years of denial of anything with a scent of Yiddishkeit. Then the Frierdiker Rebbe proclaimed that "America iz nit andersh" [America is no different]. Under this slogan, all the spreading of the wellsprings of Chabad Chassidus operated then, until the imprinting of "Ufaratzta" as Lubavitch's activity slogan.

Establishment of Tomchei Tmimim[edit | edit source]

On 10 Adar II 5700, studies began in Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in the United States. This was one day after the Frierdiker Rebbe's arrival to the United States on 9 Adar 5700, when he announced the establishment of Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in the United States.

In his announcement of the establishment of the yeshiva, the Frierdiker Rebbe said:

"We immigrants - more correctly those brought here - were brought here for work with mesiras nefesh, to make America a place of Torah. I know well what forces of mesiras nefesh are needed for this, but I am confident that in the merit of holy ancestors we will succeed in our mesiras nefesh for Torah and mitzvos in the ways of Chassidus.

Within a certain time, Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch will be the largest yeshiva, and the yeshiva students will illuminate Jewish homes and give spiritual elevation to local rabbonim who will dedicate themselves to spreading Torah...

I am assured by the merit of my holy ancestors that within a very short time, Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch will not only be the largest and most branched yeshiva in the country, but also - an illuminating light and an awakening force and guide for rabbonim and roshei yeshivos, and Hashem will grant us success in gashmius and ruchnius..."

Indeed, the day after the Frierdiker Rebbe's arrival in the United States, a handful of students began their studies at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch. The Frierdiker Rebbe's promise was fulfilled completely, and Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim became within a short time the largest yeshiva in the United States.

Presidents of the United States[edit | edit source]

Over the years, several presidents served in the United States who benefited Chabad and the Rebbe, such as Jimmy Carter who enacted Education Day and Ronald Reagan who enacted a Moment of Silence.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Further Reading[edit | edit source]

  • The Rebbe's sicha on the discovery of the United States (12 Tammuz 5744)
  • From the Rebbe's sichos about the United States
  • Shalom DovBer Levin, History of Chabad in the United States, Kehos, 5748
  • Yosef Ashkenazi, Otzar HaChassidim - The Personalities and Chassidic Teachings of Chabad Mashpi'im in New York, published by Chazak, 5773.