Mesechtas Kreitot
Masechet Kreitot contains 6 chapters and 27 pages. The tractate deals with the laws of all 36 transgressions punishable by karet (spiritual excision).
The Rebbe's Explanations
In the tractate, a dispute is brought regarding Yom Kippur: whether Yom Kippur atones regardless if one did teshuva (repentance) or not, or whether it doesn't atone without teshuva.
A similar dispute exists regarding the fast day of a chatan (groom) and kallah (bride) on their wedding day. There are three reasons given by the poskim (halachic authorities):
- Because it is a day of forgiveness and atonement similar to Yom Kippur.
- So they won't become intoxicated.
- Because the mitzvah is dear to them, in the manner of the early Chassidim who would fast when a beloved mitzvah came their way, such as sukkah and lulav.
According to the first reason, there is specifically a need for a fast, while according to the other two reasons, there is only a need for abstaining from food.
The Rebbe connects this to the same dispute about whether Yom Kippur does not atone without teshuva - if so, the same applies to the wedding day, and therefore a fast of teshuva is needed. However, other poskim maintain that the atonement of the wedding day is not like Yom Kippur through the power of teshuva, but rather a new status conferred by the wedding day itself, and therefore they don't agree with the first reason.
Additional Explanations
- Siyum on Masechtos in Tanach, Berachos, Nazir, Yevamos, Kreisos - Sefer HaSichos 5751 - vol. 2, p. 835 (p. 385).