Tzava'at HaRivash (Testament of the Baal Shem Tov)
Tzava'at HaRivash is a book containing collected teachings of the Baal Shem Tov.
Content of the BookEdit
The book contains "straight guidance, great and wonderful advice for serving the Creator through Torah, prayer, and other attributes from the holy one of Hashem, the likes of whom has not existed since the early days, one who descended from the heavens" (from the title page).
Writing of the BookEdit
Unlike what is implied by the book's name, it was not written by the Baal Shem Tov himself, but rather is a collection of his teachings written by his student Rabbi Yeshaya of Yanov.
The Alter Rebbe in the Tanya (Igeret HaKodesh Chapter 25) says about the book: "In truth, it is not his testament at all, and he did not command anything before his passing. Rather, these are collections of his pure teachings that were collected repeatedly, and they did not know how to precisely capture the language, but the meaning is absolutely true."
He also answered this to his interrogators during his imprisonment when they questioned him about what was written in the book.
The book is cited in our Rebbes' books only a few times. From the year 5720 (1960), the Rebbe began to explain this book.
The first known printing was in the year 5553 (1793) in the city of Zholkva.
In 5735 (1975), under the Rebbe's instruction, Kehot Publication Society edited and printed a corrected edition with many additions, edited by Rabbi Yaakov Emanuel Schochet. In the years 5742 (1982) and 5751 (1991), the book was printed again with additional content from the editor.
In 5781 (2021), the book was reprinted by Otzar HaChassidim with additions, where the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach's explanations were reorganized and divided into sections (with additional explanations).