The Daily Sicha

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A project through which thousands of Jews worldwide merit to hear a daily sicha from the Rebbe.

The project is managed by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Gurarya, a Chassidus lecturer at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Montreal.

Project Development[edit | edit source]

"The Daily Sicha" began in Elul 1996 when Rabbi Gurarya served as a Chassidus teacher at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Montreal. His father, Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Gurarya, who serves as a mashpia in the yeshiva, requested that he prepare sections of the Rebbe's sichos so that the tmimim would hear a sicha from the Rebbe every night after seder.

He then decided to offer this to anash in Montreal. Indeed, every evening they would hear a sicha of the Rebbe in shul between Mincha and Maariv.

Initially, there were no written hanachos in Yiddish of the sichos and they had not yet been translated; there were only audio recordings. At the beginning of 1997, he decided it was time to spread this worldwide and expand the project. The first phase began at Yeshivas Oheli Torah. From there, the idea spread to yeshivos worldwide, and subsequently to shuls.

During 2000, he began including written hanachos in Yiddish along with the audio recordings of the sichos. These hanachos are written by R' Tzvi Hirsh Notik, and later began publishing translations to Lashon Kodesh, performed by R' Yeshaya Meranz.

The Project Today[edit | edit source]

The operation was enhanced in 1999 when the website was launched, where one can listen to the sicha while simultaneously viewing the sicha translated to Lashon Kodesh, or the sicha in Yiddish. One can also download the hanachos or the Lashon Kodesh translation for personal computer use.

The website features a collection of the Rebbe's sichos on various topics: hiskashrus, Moshiach and Geulah, shleimus ha'aretz, chinuch, pru u'revu, nshei u'bnos Yisroel.

Additionally, one can hear the daily sicha in many countries worldwide through the "Dial and Listen" system, Kol Mevaser, and "Kol HaChassidus" in Eretz HaKodesh. The "Dial and Listen" system offers the option to hear, in addition to the original sicha from the Rebbe's holy words, the translation of the sicha by Rabbi Chaim Levi Yitzchak Ginsburg - and there is also an option to receive the sicha transcript by fax.

Currently, the sicha is distributed with the written hanacha in Yiddish or the translations worldwide. To accommodate those who don't speak Yiddish, the daily sicha translation is literal, to Lashon Kodesh, so that even someone who doesn't understand Yiddish can easily understand the Rebbe when listening to the daily sicha with the translation sheet.

At the end of each year, the project is prepared for the entire coming year. Those who order the sichos receive, before the start of the year, a thick book containing all the translated sichos, or alternatively the hanachos in Yiddish, along with recordings of the daily sichos.

The project is now also available as an application, to facilitate listening to the sichos.