Rabbi Baruch (son of the Mitteler Rebbe)
Rabbi Baruch (Shmuel) was the second son of the Mitteler Rebbe. He was apparently named after his grandfather, R' Yisroel Baruch Posner, who was the father of the Alter Rebbe.
On 1st of Elul 5582 (1822), he married Rebbetzin Beila Reiza, the daughter of his uncle R' Chaim Avraham, who was the son of the Alter Rebbe. In Sefer Maamarei Admur Ha'emtzai (the book of discourses of the Mitteler Rebbe), there are several maamarim that the Mitteler Rebbe delivered at the wedding.
- His son, R' Shneur Zalman Schneerson - served as the Rav of Bakhmut.
- His son Shmuel Aharon Schneerson - passed away on 1st of Cheshvan 5603 (1842).