Yemos Hamoshiach

Yemos Hamoshiach – The Days of Moshiach is a general name for the period when a king will come from the house of David , will redeem the people of Israel and the whole world, will build the Temple in Jerusalem , will gather all the Jews to the Land of Israel and restore the kingdom of David. The redeemer is called the King Moshiach after the custom of anointing the kings with the anointing oil. The sources mention other events that happened at the same time as the Moshiach, such as the annunciation of redemption by Eliyahu the prophet , the war of Gog and Magog, and the resurrection. Some of them will be before the coming of the Moshiach, some after or during his coming, but it is not clear exactly when and how this will happen.

A painting depicting the Geulah by the painter Michael Schwartz

The definition of time and its originEdit

The change of nature in the days of MoshiachEdit

The age of Yemos Hamoshiach in ChasidusEdit

The importance of a mitzvah compared to the Torah in the days of Yemos HamoshiachEdit

Understanding the TorahEdit

Mount Sinai by Yemos HamoshiachEdit

See alsoEdit

The prayer in the days of Moshiach

Further readingEdit
