Yehuda Shputz
Rabbi Yehuda Shputz (1920 - 14 Elul 2008) was a Chabad educator, one of the founders of the yeshiva in Montreal, a member of the yeshiva's administration, and among the elder Chabad chassidim in the local community.
Life HistoryEdit
Born to a Heimishe family, he was among the refugees in Shanghai, China. He arrived in Montreal and was accepted to Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Montreal.
In 1959, the Rebbe instructed him to establish the yeshiva in Montreal and appointed him as director, as well as to be active in the Litvish girls' institution 'Beis Yaakov'.
He served as a member of the yeshiva's administration, taught in the yeshiva, and was among the elder Chabad chassidim in Montreal.
He passed away on 14 Elul 2008 at the age of 88.
- His daughter, Mrs. Rachel, wife of Rabbi Shalom Gershon Grossbaum, shluchim in St. Paul, Minnesota.
- His daughter, Mrs. Baila, wife of Rabbi Zushe Silberstein, shliach in Montreal.
- His daughter, Mrs. Sterna, wife of R' Mordechai Stern of Crown Heights.
- His son, R' Aharon Shputz - Crown Heights.
- His son, R' Yosef Yitzchak Shputz - director of Chabad Cheder Montreal.
- His son, R' David Shputz - principal of Beis Rivkah girls' school, Crown Heights.