Florida is a state in the southern United States, third in population in the United States, and as of 2019 has approximately 21,477,737 residents, with about 3% being Jewish.
The first shliach to Florida is Rabbi Avraham Korf, who arrived in the state in 1961 and began settling in Florida under the Rebbe's shlichus.
In the first year of his shlichus, as instructed by Rabbi Chodakov, he began traveling throughout Florida to meet with Reform community leaders and speak with them. He gave shiurim to students, and thus began establishing educational institutions and an active Jewish center.
There is extensive Chabad activity in the state. Every year, a week of shiurim for students from various universities around the world called "Miami Torah" is held in one of the state's cities. During this week, they learn about Yiddishkeit and Chassidus and enjoy trips. On the 5th of Iyar, when thousands of Israelis in the state visit a huge park, the shluchim take advantage of the opportunity to reach out to them and set up stands for hanachas tefillin, the opportunity to write to the Rebbe through Igros Kodesh, and more.
Over the years, more shluchim joined the activities in the state, and as of 2021, there are approximately 250 Chabad houses in the area.
Beis Moshiach Fort LauderdaleEdit
The one who established the place and served as the Rav of the Chabad community in the city is the Rebbe's shliach, Rabbi Mordechai Anati. Over time, Chabad activities grew and a Chabad community was established. Baalei teshuva from the activities moved to live in Chabad communities worldwide.
The Chabad House there established a tashmishei kedusha center, a yeshiva for semicha studies, evening kollel, Bar Mitzvah institute, soup kitchen, Tzivos Hashem center, Torah library, dormitories, kindergartens, and is in the process of establishing a school.
They have a mitzvah tank that operates daily throughout the city. Over the years, they've had 3 tanks - the old one (from 1993) serves as storage, the second was sold, and the third is a modern and sophisticated tank used weekly to travel to centers and malls for mivtzoim.
In 2000, a semicha institute for rabbinical studies was opened, with a group of temimim coming each year who are in yeshiva while helping with Chabad House activities with the mitzvah tank operating there. During holidays, the Chabad House activities are at their peak, especially during Rosh Hashanah, Simchas Torah, Chanukah, Purim, and Pesach.
Educational InstitutionsEdit
As part of the Rebbe's instruction to Rabbi Korf that the center for spreading Yiddishkeit should be in Miami Beach, he established some of the educational institutions he opened there.
The educational institutions are located in one complex in a huge and magnificent building located in North Miami, where about 1,200 students study. This 7-story building contains kindergartens and boys' Talmud Torahs. In another complex in Miami Beach are the educational institutions for girls. In another complex in Miami Beach are the mesivta and Tomchei Temimim Miami.
In other parts of Florida and Miami itself, there are several additional institutions serving the thousands of shluchim throughout the state.
Chabad SynagoguesEdit
- Beis Menachem - Rabbi Leib Shapiro
- Oceanfront Synagogue - Rabbi Dovid Kadan, Rabbi Leibel Kadan
- Boca Raton Synagogue - Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar, Rabbi Shaya Rubinstein, Rabbi Moshe Bruck, Rabbi Shlomo Katan, Rabbi Shneur Zalman Lipskar, Rabbi Shmuel Tvardovitch, Rabbi Dov Schochet, Rabbi Shaya Parkash
- Rashbi Synagogue - Rabbi Duch and Rabbi Bitton
- Baba Sali Synagogue
- Ahavas Yisroel Synagogue - Rabbi Aharon Yitzchak Lieberman
- HaNefesh HaElokis Synagogue - Rabbi Yisroel Nasrati
- "Di Shtetl" Synagogue - managed by Itamar Taktuk, under Beis Moshiach Florida
Chabad Houses in FloridaEdit
Miami BeachEdit
- Chabad House - Rabbi Benzion Korf, Rabbi Chaim Stern, and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Katz
- Anshei Lubavitch - Rabbi Dovid Shapiro and Rabbi Yitzchak Teitelbaum
- Russian Immigrant Community - Rabbi Shlomo Blank
- Venice Immigrant Community - Rabbi Shmuel Mann
- Or Menachem Mendel Library - Rabbi Aharon Rabin
- Chabad on Wheels - Rabbi Zeev Katz
- South Beach - Rabbi Shraga Mann
Altamonte SpringsEdit
- Chabad House - Rabbi Menachem Mendel Bronstein
- Greater Orlando - Rabbi Sholom Boruch Dubov
- At Rollins College - Rabbi Shmuli Sasonkin
- North Orlando - Rabbi Yaakov Majesky
- Central Orlando - Rabbi Levi Dubov
- University - Rabbi Chaim Boruch Lipskar, Rabbi Yosef Konikov, Rabbi Nissan Zibel, Rabbi Meir Lasoff
- Chabad House - Rabbi Levi Friedman, Rabbi Kasriel Brusowankin
- South Aventura - Rabbi Menachem Mendel Rosenfeld, Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Spalter, Rabbi Yosef Lottkin
- The Waterways - Yisroel Brusowankin
- Sunny Isles Beach - Rabbi Yisroel Baron
- Golden Beach - Rabbi Chai Amar, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Algrishi
- Russian Chabad Center of South Florida - Rabbi Alexander Kaller, Rabbi Shaul Snovsky, Rabbi Chezky Altein
- East Coast - Rabbi Eliyahu Rosenfeld
- Island Lakes - Rabbi Moshe Kaveman
- Chabad House for Israelis - Rabbi Menachem Cheruti
- Skylake - Rabbi Refael Rosenberg, Rabbi Yehoshua Korf
- Aventura Isles - Rabbi Yitzchak Kaplan
- Beis Menachem North Miami Beach - Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Marlow, Rabbi Chaim Brod, Rabbi Eliyahu Laufer
- United Jewish Generations - Rabbi Menachem Mendel Smith
- Yeshivas Torah Ohr - Rabbi Emanuel Storfer, Rabbi Yisroel Geisinsky, Rabbi Mattisyahu Devlin
- South Broward - Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus, Rabbi Dovid Kadan, Rabbi Aharon Kaufman, Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Rabbi Levi Tennenhaus, Rabbi Mordechai Feiner, Rabbi Eliezer Phillips, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gurevitch
- Chaya Aidel Seminary - Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Leibovich
- South Beach - Rabbi Sholom Dovber Kleinman
- Alef Institute - Rabbi Aharon Lipskar, Rabbi Menachem Katz, Rabbi Moshe Bruck, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Stern, Rabbi Yehoshua Bruck, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Briski, Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, Rabbi Peretz Muchkin, Rabbi Elya Estrin
- Jewish Educational Leadership Institute - Rabbi Yisroel Frankfurter
- Hollywood/Dania - Rabbi Menachem Mendel Tennenhaus
Boca RatonEdit
- Chabad House - Rabbi Zalman Bukiet, Rabbi Moshe Denburg
- Boca Raton Center - Rabbi Moshe Denburg, Rabbi Aharon Gopin, Rabbi Moshe Wolowbovsky, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Denburg, Rabbi Sholom Ber Kessler
- West Boca Raton - Rabbi Zalman Bukiet, Rabbi Moshe Kramer
- East Boca Raton - Rabbi Reuven Now, Rabbi Sholom Dovber Gurary
- Chabad Center for Israelis - Rabbi Naftali Hertzel
- Chabad Center for Students - Rabbi Boruch Shmuel Liberow
- Humanitarian Center - Rabbi Meir Kessler
- Youth Network - Rabbi Shmuel Gutnik
- Northeast Broward - Rabbi Yehoshua Biston
Fort LauderdaleEdit
- Beis Moshiach Florida - Rabbi Mordechai Anati
Other LocationsEdit
- North Miami Beach - Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Marlow
- Palm Beach - Rabbi Moshe Scheiner
- Hollywood - Rabbi Yisroel Nasrati, Rabbi Shmuel Elishevitz
- Venice - Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schmerling
- Southwest Florida - Rabbi Yitzchak Minkowicz
- Coral Springs - Rabbi Avraham Friedman
- Gainesville - Rabbi Berel Goldman
- St. Augustine, Florida - Rabbi Levi Vogel