Machane Yisrael

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Machane Yisrael is an organization established by the Rebbe Rayatz in the month of Sivan in the year 5701 (1941). The organization was headed by the Rebbe Rayatz, with the Rebbe serving as chairman of the executive committee.

The 'Machane Yisrael' organization was mentioned in the second proclamation issued by the Rebbe Rayatz on the 16th of Sivan 5701 (1941).

In the cover of the Hayom Yom printed in winter of 5703 (1943), a brief overview of the organization appears.

Purpose of the Organization[edit | edit source]

  • Strengthening Torah observance and mitzvos.
  • Encouraging Jews to return to teshuva.
  • Publicizing the saying "Immediate teshuva, immediate redemption."

Membership[edit | edit source]

Membership in the organization is not conditional upon payment of membership dues. The conduct and good deeds of those who register for the organization constitute their membership dues.

According to the Rebbe's instructions, several members were appointed to the organization's leadership, of whom only Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Krinsky remains alive today.

Nature of Activities[edit | edit source]

The work of the members is done discreetly, meaning that members are active in concealed ways. Their aspiration is to be an example to others in their conduct according to Torah and mitzvos, to influence their household members, acquaintances, friends, etc.

Activities of the Organization[edit | edit source]

Mazhirei Shabbos Machane Yisrael[edit | edit source]

A special department named "Mazhirei Shabbos Machane Yisrael" (Shabbos Warners of Machane Yisrael) was established to spread the idea of Shabbos observance. One of its activities - organizing women's associations from all circles, who declared that they would not purchase anything on Shabbos.

Mishnayos by Heart[edit | edit source]

A society for learning Mishnayos by heart was established, and the six orders of the Mishna were divided among members by lottery (approximately four chapters per portion). Thus, the entire Shas was learned and reviewed by heart throughout the year.

The purpose of this project, which was established at the suggestion of the Rebbe Rayatz, is "to purify the air" through reciting and reviewing Mishnayos at home and outside, on the street, in stores, in the subway, and in every clean place. This contains a great secret "to ease the birth pangs of Moshiach and to bring closer the footsteps of our righteous Moshiach with kindness and mercy."

In Eretz Yisrael, Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda Leib Eliezerov was responsible for this initiative.

Tehillim Societies[edit | edit source]

Extended article - World Tehillim Society

"Machne Israel" also established new Tehillim societies and strengthened existing ones. In addition to these, the World Tehillim Society was founded by the Rebbe Rayatz in 5702 (1942) in Jerusalem.

Four Good Deeds[edit | edit source]

In 5703 (1943), the Rebbe requested that every Jew who is a member of Machne Israel perform at least four good deeds and report them to the organization's administration and to the Rebbe Rayatz.

Thousands of Jews fulfilled this request.

Division of the Shas[edit | edit source]

Extended article - Division of the Shas

One of the activities that the Rebbe transferred to 'Machne' is the Division of the Shas which takes place on 19 Kislev, in which the Rebbe himself would participate.

Bikur Cholim (Visiting the Sick)[edit | edit source]

In late 5704 (1944), a department was established within Machne Israel called "Bikur Cholim" which was intended to visit sick and wounded Jewish soldiers who were injured in World War II.

Eshel Torah[edit | edit source]

Founded in the summer of 5705 (1945) and designed to establish Torah classes throughout the United States as well as to encourage baalei batim and young men to study Torah.

Development Fund - Friends of Machne Israel[edit | edit source]

Extended article - Friends of Machne Israel Fund

The Friends of Machne Israel Fund was established in 5746 (1986) for the development of Chabad institutions.

External Links[edit | edit source]

  • The Rebbe's review of Machne Israel activities, Beis Moshiach weekly issue 1225, 24 Menachem Av 5780, page 10