Mesechtas Uktzin
Masechet Uktzin is the last tractate in the Order of Taharot and in the Six Orders of Mishnah. This tractate deals with defining food that is fit and unfit to become ritually impure, such as the stems of fruits, and hence its name 'Uktzin' (stems). Among the topics covered: laws concerning parts that are secondary to food and serve as a protective peel or as a handle; things that are customarily eaten only in the city and not in the village, and more. Masechet Uktzin is divided into three chapters.
The Rebbe's Explanations
The Rebbe proves that Masechet Uktzin is a theoretical tractate, and therefore Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel, who was defined more as a "Sinai" (master of breadth of knowledge), was not well-versed in the depth of this tractate, as mentioned at the end of Masechet Horayot. This is why when Rav Yehuda would study this tractate, he would say "We see the discussions of Abaye and Rava here," referring to the depth of the tractate.
Additional Explanations
- Chapter 3, Mishnah 11: From what point are honeycombs susceptible to ritual impurity as a liquid. Sichot Kodesh 5738, Volume 1, p. 23 (p. 277)
- Chapter 3, Mishnah 11: Honeycombs, the dispute between Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel (following their consistent approaches throughout the Shas). Likkutei Sichot Volume 7, p. 114 (p. 126)
- Chapter 3, Mishnayot 10, 11, 12: Beehive. Honeycombs. The future [promise] of the Holy One, Blessed be He. Sichot Kodesh 5738, Volume 1, p. 4 (p. 307)
- Chapter 3, Mishnah 12: Rabbi Shimon ben Chalafta said: The Holy One, Blessed be He, found no vessel etc. Torat Menachem 5719, Volume 1, p. 294 (p. 262)