Portal:Rebbes of Chabad

Revision as of 05:59, 2 March 2025 by Tachlis (talk | contribs)

Portal {{{portal}}}

Family of the Alter Rebbe Family of the Mitteler Rebbe Family of the Tzemach Tzedek Family of the Rebbe Maharash Family of the Rebbe Rashab Family of the Rebbe Rayatz Family of the Rebbe Shlita

Wife: Rabbanit Sterna

Father: Baruch

Mother: Rebeka

Brother: Yehuda Leib

Son: Chaim Avraham

Son: Moshe

Daughter: Dvorah Leah

Daughter: Frieda

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File:Grave of the Mitteler Rebbe.jpg

Wife: Rabbanit Sheina

Father: Rabbi the Alter Rebbe

Mother: Rabbanit Sterna

Sister: Rachel

Son: Baruch

Daughter: Esther Miriam

Daughter: Beila

Daughter: Sarah

Son-in-law: Yaakov Yisrael Metsherkas

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File:Tzemach Tzedek - small image.jpg

Wife: Rabbanit Chaya Mushka

Father: Shalom Shkeneh Altshuler

Mother: Dvorah Leah

Sister: Dvorah

Son: Baruch Shalom Shneersohn

Son: Yisrael Nach Shneersohn

Son-in-law: Levi Yitzchak Misiratchin

Brother-in-law: Chaim Chaykel

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File:Maharash's Tent.jpg

Wife: Rabbanit Rivka

Father: Rabbi the Tzemach Tzedek

Mother: Chaya Mushka

Brother: Yehuda Leib Shneersohn

Son: Avraham Sender Shneersohn

Son: Menachem Mendel Shneersohn

Son: Shneur Zalman Aharon Shneersohn

Daughter: Dvorah Leah

Daughter: Chaya Mushka

Son-in-law: Moshe Hornstein

Son-in-law: Moshe Leib Ginzburg

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File:Rashab - small image.jpg

Wife: Rabbanit Sterna Sarah

Father: Rabbi the Maharash

Mother: Rebeka

Brother: Rabbi Avraham Sender Shneersohn

Brother: Shneur Zalman Aharon Shneersohn

Brother: Menachem Mendel Shneersohn

Sister: Chaya Mushka Hornstein

Sister: Dvorah Leah Ginzburg

Son: the Rebbe Rayatz

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File:Rayatz - small image.jpg

Wife: Rabbanit Nechama Dina

Father: Rabbi the Rashab

Mother: Sterna Sarah Shneersohn

Daughter: Sheina

Father-in-law: Avraham Shneersohn

Son-in-law: Shmarya Gur-Arie

Son-in-law: Menachem Mendel Hornstein

Son-in-law: The Rebbe

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File:Rebbe Shlita - small image.JPG

Wife: Rabbanit Chaya Mushka

Father: Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Shneersohn

Mother: Rabbanit Chana Shneersohn

Brother: Dovber Shneersohn

Brother: Yisrael Aryeh Leib Shneersohn

Grandfather: Baruch Shneersohn

Grandfather: Meir Shlomo Yanovsky

Grandmother: Zelda Rachel Shneersohn

Grandmother: Rachel Yanovsky

Uncle: Shalom Shlomo Shneersohn

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