Mesechtas Yevamot: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Masechet Yevamot has 16 chapters and 121 pages. The subject of this masechet deals with the laws of yibum (levirate marriage) and chalitzah (the ceremony releasing a woman from yibum), and the laws regarding marrying women whose husbands' whereabouts have been lost. The Mishnah also deals with the specific details of the laws of yibum. Among them: maamar yevamin, which is a form of betrothal specific to a yevamah (the widow requiring yibum). The manner of this betrotha...")
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Masechet Yevamot has 16 chapters and 121 pages.
{{Toras HaNigla}}
'''Mesechtas Yevamot''' has 16 chapters and 121 pages. The subject of this masechet deals with the laws of ''yibum'' (levirate marriage) and chalitzah (the ceremony releasing a woman from yibum), and the laws regarding marrying women whose husbands' whereabouts have been lost.
The subject of this masechet deals with the laws of yibum (levirate marriage) and chalitzah (the ceremony releasing a woman from yibum), and the laws regarding marrying women whose husbands' whereabouts have been lost.

The Mishnah also deals with the specific details of the laws of yibum. Among them: maamar yevamin, which is a form of betrothal specific to a yevamah (the widow requiring yibum). The manner of this betrothal: he gives her money or something of value, and says to her: "Behold, you are betrothed to me with this maamar yevamin." According to Beit Shammai, maamar constitutes a complete marriage (according to Rashi, this is rabbinical, and according to Tosafot, it is Torah law). According to Beit Hillel, this marriage is not complete, but rather a rabbinic enactment that one should betroth the woman before yibum, so that yibum should not be performed in an immodest manner - through intercourse without prior betrothal and seclusion.
The Mishnah also deals with the specific details of the laws of yibum. Among them: maamar yevamin, which is a form of betrothal specific to a yevamah (the widow requiring yibum). The manner of this betrothal: he gives her money or something of value, and says to her: "Behold, you are betrothed to me with this maamar yevamin." According to Beit Shammai, maamar constitutes a complete marriage (according to Rashi, this is rabbinical, and according to Tosafot, it is Torah law). According to Beit Hillel, this marriage is not complete, but rather a rabbinic enactment that one should betroth the woman before yibum, so that yibum should not be performed in an immodest manner - through intercourse without prior betrothal and seclusion.
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* Mesechtas Yevamos
* Mesechtas Yevamos
[[Category:Mishnah and Talmud]]
