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In 5650, he began receiving people for yechidus temporarily. On Rosh Hashanah 5654, he started davening in his father's regular place, accepting Chassidim for yechidus regularly, and responding in writing to Chassidim's she'eilos. He also began allowing his maamarim to be transcribed for hafatzah among the Chassidim.
In 5650, he began receiving people for yechidus temporarily. On Rosh Hashanah 5654, he started davening in his father's regular place, accepting Chassidim for yechidus regularly, and responding in writing to Chassidim's she'eilos. He also began allowing his maamarim to be transcribed for hafatzah among the Chassidim.

== Establishment of Tomchei Tmimim ==
== Public Service Activities ==
On Sunday, 15 Elul 5657, during the sheva brachos of his son (later the Frierdiker Rebbe), the Rebbe Rashab called a meeting of fifty prominent rabbonim and gvirim who were in Lubavitch for the chasunah. He announced his decision to establish Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim, whose chiddush would be the iyuni study of Chassidus alongside nigleh. The talmidim, called "Tmimim," would be a nucleus of yirei Elokim, ovdei Hashem with heart and truth.
In his leadership period, he worked extensively to improve the physical and spiritual condition of Jews in general and Russian Jews in particular. He first began engaging in public service in 1880, updating his father regarding decrees against Russian Jews. In 1892, the Russian government decided to expel all Jews from Moscow. The Rebbe Rashab tried various ways to cancel the decree, but without success. However, during the decree's implementation, he ensured Moscow's Jews were settled in suitable locations.

Three years after establishing the yeshiva, on Simchas Torah 5661, the Rebbe Rashab delivered a profound sicha to the Tmimim based on Chazal's statement "Kol hayotzei l'milchemes Beis Dovid kosev get krisus l'ishto." He explained the tafkid of the Tmimim as "Chayalei Beis Dovid."
In 1895, The Rebbe Rashab became more involved in public service, mainly strengthening Colel Chabad in Eretz Hakodesh. In 1897, he began working against the establishment of Haskalah movement schools, trying to prevent a school from being established in Lubavitch by appealing to Baron Naftali Hertz Ginzburg. After the school was established, he tried to prevent funding and launched a campaign on the matter.

== His Torah and Leadership ==
In 1902, he established a weaving and spinning factory in Dubrovna to employ Jews, requesting support from the Jewish organization ICA to finance the factory.
The Rebbe Rashab earned the title "Rambam of Chassidus" for his systematic exposition of Chassidic concepts through lengthy, comprehensive maamarim. His most famous work is "Hemshech Tav-Ayin-Reish-Beis" (commonly known as "Hemshech Ayin-Beis"), a series of profound maamarim spanning three years that systematically explains core concepts in Chassidus.

== Public Activities and Leadership ==
During the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), The Rebbe Rashab ensured matzos and Pesach necessities for Jewish soldiers in the Russian army. In 1905, he established a special committee for this matter. That summer, during a Colel Chabad conference, he first proposed establishing a Chabad yeshiva in Chevron. Toras Emes Yeshiva was founded several years later in 1912 in Beis Romano in Chevron.
The Rebbe Rashab was deeply involved in protecting Yiddishkeit throughout Russia In 5652, when the Russian government decided to expel all Jews from Moscow, the Rebbe worked tirelessly to help resettle the affected Yidden. In 5655, he increased his askanus klalis, particularly strengthening Colel Chabad in Eretz HaKodesh.

At the Rabbinic Conference in Vilna in 5665, the Rebbe Rashab famously declared: "All nations must know that only our gufim were given over to golus and shibud malchuyos, but our neshamos were never given over to golus and shibud malchuyos!"
In 1905, a rabbinical assembly was held in Vilna, where the government demanded rabbis study secular subjects. During the assembly, The Rebbe Rashab stated:
"All nations must know that only our bodies were given to exile and government subjugation, but our souls were not given to exile and government subjugation. We must declare openly that regarding our religion, Torah, mitzvos and Jewish customs, no authority or coercive force can be used against us Jews. We must declare with the strongest Jewish stubbornness, with the thousand-year-old Jewish mesiras nefesh - do not touch my anointed ones and do not harm my prophets!"
In 1910, a general rabbinical assembly was held in Petersburg by the authorities, dealing with fundamental questions about the Jewish people's physical and material condition. 42 representatives of Russian Jewish communities participated, through which government officials sought to establish regulations opposing traditional customs, primarily regarding religious rabbis' status.
During the assembly, government representatives threatened pogroms throughout the country if rabbis wouldn't compromise. The Rebbe Rashab responded:
"We are not afraid of this at all, since there is no heavenly decree for this heaven forbid"
The Rebbe Rashab took active part in the Beilis trial, establishing a special committee to defend Mendel Beilis.
== Opposition to Zionism ==
The Rebbe Rashab was among prominent Jewish leaders who opposed Zionism. He encouraged publishing the book "Or L'Yesharim" presenting gedolei Yisroel's opposition to Zionism, writing: "If heaven forbid they succeed in holding the land as they imagine, they will defile and contaminate it with their abominations and evil deeds, lengthening the exile." Initially among Agudas Yisroel's founders, he left due to its closeness to Zionism and broad emphasis on aliyah regardless of spiritual condition.
Much of his public work was done in cooperation with leading Admorim and rabbis like R' Chaim of Brisk, R' Chaim Ozer Grodzinski and the Chofetz Chaim, maintaining regular correspondence with some and occasionally meeting several of them.
== Tomchei Tmimim Yeshiva ==
"The Rebbe Rashab, besides his great holiness and righteousness as leader of Chabad chassidim, was known from his youth among Chabad maskilim as an extraordinary genius in Chabad teachings. Elder chassidim crowned The Rebbe Rashab as 'The Rambam of Chabad teachings' as every topic explained in his Chabad teachings and discourses is established halacha arranged with all reasoning and explanations properly ordered."
On Sunday 15 Elul 1897, during his son the Rayatz's sheva brachos, The Rebbe Rashab called a conference of fifty leading rabbis and wealthy individuals then in Lubavitch for the wedding, announcing his decision to establish Tomchei Tmimim Yeshiva. The yeshiva's innovation would be students' analytical study of Chassidus and following its ways. The students, called "Tmimim," would be a center of G-d-fearing, genuine heartfelt divine service. Two days later, on Tuesday 17 Elul, The Rebbe Rashab chose the first 18 students.
Three years after establishing the yeshiva, on Simchas Torah 1901, The Rebbe Rashab gave a talk to Tmimim students based on Chazal's statement "Anyone going to war for Beis Dovid writes a divorce document for his wife." He explained the Tmimim students' purpose and established additional points in their required work as soldiers of Beis Dovid.
= Health =
The Rebbe Rashab had a weak constitution and often fell ill. Consequently, he spent much time traveling to health resorts and specialist doctors. In 1884, he first began traveling to healing places, mainly warm coastal countries. In 1886, he went to the Yalta mountains, uniquely bringing his whole family unlike other journeys.
His father the Maharash's passing broke his spirit and weakened him physically. In his twenties, he had to leave home for health resorts to be examined by top doctors and strengthen himself in restful places. Except rarely, he never took his son.
In Kislev 1891, he fell severely ill with fever for about two months. The first month he was confined to his room, emerging for prayer on 24 Teves. That summer he traveled three times (each for five days) to nearby Mazinkes village for his health. After Chanukah 1897, he had to travel to Moscow for healing. Doctors then gave him only months to live, leading him to decide to either move to Eretz Yisroel or relocate somewhere he could study Torah and serve alone.
In winter 1903, he traveled to Vienna with his son the Rayatz and met Dr. Sigmund Freud due to loss of feeling in his left hand. Freud gave The Rebbe Rashab electrical treatment and they discussed various matters. In their conversation, the Rebbe explained how to connect mind and heart so the mind could spiritually enrich the heart.

== Final Years and Histalkus ==
== Final Years and Histalkus ==
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