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During those years, the Rebbe also worked as a ship engineer in the U.S. Navy. | During those years, the Rebbe also worked as a ship engineer in the U.S. Navy. | ||
== Activities Toward Accepting Leadership == | |||
''Extended article - The Rebbe's Acceptance of Leadership'' | |||
After 10 Shevat 5710 (1950), when news spread of the passing of the Previous Rebbe (Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn), the Chassidim began discussing the need to appoint his son-in-law, the Rebbe (then known as "The RaMaSh"), as his successor. | |||
Extensive activity was undertaken by Chassidim worldwide to encourage the Rebbe to accept the leadership. The activity was led by prominent Chassidim across the globe: | |||
In the United States: | |||
* Rabbi Eliyahu Simpson - Gabbai of the Previous Rebbe | |||
* Rabbi Israel Jacobson - Leader of Agudas Chassidei Chabad | |||
* Rabbi Shneur Zalman Gurary | |||
* Rabbi Shmuel Zalmanov | |||
* Rabbi Shmuel Levitin - The Mashpia | |||
* Rabbi Shlomo Aaron Kazarnovsky | |||
* Rabbi DovBer Haskin | |||
* Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi - Rabbi of Shanghai | |||
In the Holy Land: | |||
* Rabbi Eliezer Karasik - Chairman of Agudas Chassidei Chabad in the Holy Land | |||
* Rabbi Moshe Gurary - Director of Agudas Chassidei Chabad | |||
* Rabbi Shmerel Gurary | |||
* Rabbi Avraham Paris | |||
* Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin | |||
* Rabbi Avraham Chen | |||
* Rabbi Avraham Chaim Na'eh | |||
In Europe: | |||
* Rabbi Nissan Nemenov - Director and Mashpia of Tomchei Tmimim in Brunoy | |||
* Rabbi Israel Noach Blinitzky | |||
* Rabbi Avraham Sender Nemtzov | |||
* Rabbi Saadia Liberow | |||
These individuals enthusiastically supported the Rebbe's leadership and influenced Chabad Chassidim in the United States, Israel, and worldwide to accept his leadership. They also worked to ensure Chabad institutions would accept the Rebbe's leadership. However, some Chabad Chassidim, as well as Rebbetzin Nechama Dina (wife of the Previous Rebbe), supported the Previous Rebbe's elder son-in-law, Rabbi Shmaryahu Gurary (RaShaG), to lead the movement. After the Rebbe accepted leadership, RaShaG showed exceptional deference to the Rebbe. | |||
In the months following the passing, many Chassidim from around the world wrote letters of connection and sent them to 770, but the Rebbe refused to accept the leadership. Over the following months, the pleas from the Chassidim increased while the Rebbe continued to refuse, though gradually he began taking on communal leadership responsibilities - writing general letters, giving instructions, receiving people for private audiences, and more. On the evening of 10 Shevat 5711, at a gathering marking the first anniversary of the Previous Rebbe's passing, the Rebbe delivered the discourse "Basi LeGani," thereby officially accepting leadership of Chabad Chassidism. | |||
== Leadership of Chabad Chassidism == | |||
After the passing of the Previous Rebbe, he began energetically expanding the Torah and educational institutions established by the Previous Rebbe worldwide. | |||
Even before formally accepting leadership, the Rebbe sent the first emissaries to Morocco - Rabbi Michael Lipsker and Rabbi Shlomo Matusof. Following the Rebbe's instructions, his emissaries to Morocco established the Oholei Yosef Yitzchak Lubavitch (Morocco) network, including yeshivas, boys' schools, and girls' schools in Morocco, thereby providing thousands of Jewish youth with authentic Jewish education and saving them from spiritual assimilation. Simultaneously, under the Rebbe's guidance, smaller yeshivas and study houses were established in Morocco to train teachers, rabbis, ritual slaughterers, scribes, and other religious functionaries. | |||
In the early years of his leadership, the Rebbe sent emissaries throughout the United States, Brazil, and elsewhere. | |||
The Rebbe published general letters in which he encouraged all jews to strengthen themselves. These general letters were published by the Rebbe's emissaries in newspapers and other media to spread the messages to the Jewish people at large, reaching a record number of Jews. Many turned to the Rebbe seeking his advice and holy blessings. Masses of Chassidim and Jews of all types began flocking to his gatherings, eagerly absorbing his holy talks, which were also transcribed. | |||
At the gathering of 10 Shevat 5711, and especially in the discourse "Basi LeGani," the Rebbe emphasized his purpose in the world - to bring about the redemption and revelation of Moshiach speedily. | |||
During the Purim gathering in 5711, held several weeks after accepting leadership, the Rebbe began speaking about himself and his leadership, stating "I am only a pipeline," "One must be connected to the Rebbe, I am only filling a position in one aspect." Among other things, he said: "After the passing of the Rebbe RaShaB, the Previous Rebbe once said that he doesn't say 'may his soul rest in Eden' about his father, because why say 'may his soul rest in Eden' when it's easier and better to say 'his soul is within me.' The same applies to the Rebbe – I don't say 'may his soul rest in Eden,' but rather 'his soul is within me'!" | |||
== Activities in the Jewish World == | |||
''Extended article - The Ten Mivtzoyim'' | |||
After ascending to the Nesius (leadership), the Rebbe began leading campaigns to publicize Jewish mitzvos and Chassidic teachings under the banner of "Ufaratzta" (And you shall spread forth), taken from the possuk "Ufaratzta yama vakeidma v'tzafona v'negba" [westward, eastward, northward and southward]. Within this framework, the Rebbe called upon his Chassidim to influence wherever possible, to fulfill mitzvos and study Torah, among other things, by going out to public places and meriting the public with these mitzvos. The Rebbe also called for financial assistance to those who couldn't afford tashmishei mitzvah (ritual items). | |||
Later, he initiated public activities that he termed 'Mivtzoyim' (campaigns). Some of the Mivtzoyim are connected to Yom Tov observances and are seasonal, for example lighting Chanukah menoros in homes, stores and city centers, Lag BaOmer parades, helping Yidden shake lulav on Sukkos, distributing handmade shmurah matzah before Pesach, blowing shofar on Rosh Hashanah, arranging for those who don't attend shul to hear the Aseres HaDibros (Ten Commandments) on Shavuos, fulfilling the four mitzvos of Purim, and more. | |||
The Rebbe frequently emphasized the great importance of performing practical mitzvos, even just once, and even when the mitzvah is done without understanding its deeper meaning. | |||
Another project the Rebbe initiated, called 'The Ten Mivtzoyim', was a call for every Yid to fulfill ten mitzvos that he saw as central, and to influence other Yidden to fulfill them, which include: | |||
* Ahavas Yisroel (love of fellow Jews) | |||
* Chinuch (Jewish education) | |||
* Torah study | |||
* Tefillin | |||
* Mezuzah | |||
* Kashrus | |||
* Tzedakah | |||
* Having holy seforim in the home | |||
* Neiros Shabbos Kodesh and Yom Tov candle lighting | |||
* Taharas HaMishpacha (family purity) | |||
Following his call, Chabad Chassidim set up tefillin stands in city streets offering passersby the opportunity to perform this mitzvah. N'shei uBnos Chabad (Chabad women and girls) are active in distributing Shabbos candles and explanatory pamphlets about the mitzvah to women and girls. Additionally, Chabad Houses offer mezuzah installation and checking services, and kitchen kashering for all who are interested. | |||
Upon ascending to the Nesius (leadership), the Rebbe began numerous activities to expand the dissemination of Yiddishkeit and Chassidus, both through establishing and strengthening educational institutions, and through opening and expanding Chabad organizations. | |||
In this period following his acceptance of the Nesius, the Rebbe established in Eretz HaKodesh: | |||
* Tzeirei Agudas Chabad organization | |||
* The Oholei Yosef Yitzchak network | |||
* N'shei Chabad organization | |||
He instituted structural and organizational changes with new general and specific horaos (directives) in Agudas Chassidei Chabad, positioning it as an umbrella organization for all Chabad mosdos in Eretz HaKodesh. This was alongside assistance to Colel Chabad which provided support to Chassidim in gashmius matters. | |||
In the United States, the Rebbe established: | |||
* Tzeirei Agudas Chabad in New York | |||
* N'shei Chabad organization | |||
Simultaneously, he strengthened and developed the organizations he had managed until then: | |||
* Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch | |||
* Machne Israel | |||
* Kehot Publication Society | |||
In parallel, the Rebbe sent shluchim to various states across America, and to additional countries such as Australia, Brazil, and Morocco. In these locations, educational institutions and Chabad organizations were established, alongside activities to bring Yidden closer to Yiddishkeit and Chassidus, tailored to the conditions of each local Jewish community. In Morocco, the Oholei Yosef Yitzchak Lubavitch (Morocco) network of institutions was established. | |||
Concurrently, the Rebbe worked extensively for Kfar Chabad both b'gashmius and b'ruchnius, from specific instructions in all areas of life, concern for expanding the mosdos, establishing enterprises and material welfare, to matters of tznius, chinuch, and activities for hafatzas hamaayanos. | |||
== The Shlichus Enterprise == | |||
''Extended article - Chabad House'' | |||
The Rebbe's father-in-law, the Frierdiker (Previous) Rebbe, worked to bring Yidden closer to Torah and mitzvos, and sent shluchim to various countries. However, during his time the scope of activity was relatively limited, and the Rebbe expanded it on an enormous scale, until today the number of shluchim reaches about two thousand spread throughout the world. | |||
The first shluchim were sent to Morocco in the early years of the Rebbe's nesius, including: Rabbi Michel Lipsker, Rabbi Shlomo Matusof, and Rabbi Nissan Pinson. Simultaneously, Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Chitrik was sent as a shliach to Brazil, and many shluchim were sent throughout the United States. | |||
Under the Rebbe's leadership, the concept of shlichus became a central requirement from Chabad Chassidim in particular, and from every Jew in general, to leave their place and dedicate themselves to spreading Yiddishkeit and Chassidus in places that needed it. As part of this requirement, the Rebbe established the shlichus enterprise, appointing his Chassidim as shluchim in every location and establishing Chabad Houses worldwide that provide both gashmius (material) and ruchnius (spiritual) assistance to every Jew. Over the years, the shlichus enterprise expanded, and today it encompasses almost every city and settlement in the world where Jews are found, numbering over 6,000 shluchim, including 1,700 shluchim in Eretz Yisroel. | |||
== The Daily Rambam Study Initiative == | |||
''Extended article - The Daily Rambam Study Takana'' | |||
In 5744 (1984), the Rebbe initiated the daily Rambam study project, in which the Rambam's halachic works were divided into daily study portions. One of the takana's objectives was to encourage concise study of all areas of halacha in a clear and illuminating way, as they are formulated in the Rambam's seforim. There are three study tracks: | |||
* Three chapters per day, completing the entire Yad HaChazaka in one year | |||
* One chapter per day, completing the series once in three years | |||
* Study of Sefer HaMitzvos, completed once a year | |||
At one farbrengen in 5744, which was actually a continuation of the Yud-Tes Kislev farbrengen that fell that year on Friday, the Rebbe mentioned and aroused that the time had come to arrange a division similar to the division of Shas in studying the Rambam's Mishneh Torah. The directive wasn't immediately implemented, but the talmidim hashluchim at the Chabad yeshiva in Casablanca, Morocco, where the Rambam had lived for several years, who learned this sicha, divided the entire Mishneh Torah among the Torah community in Morocco, to be learned between Yud Shevat (the day of accepting the nesius) and the Rebbe's birthday on Yud-Alef Nissan and the Rambam's birthday on Yud-Daled Nissan. The talmidim hashluchim themselves took "Hilchos Shluchin V'Shutfin" in connection with their role as the Rebbe's shluchim, and Reb Shlomo Matusof, the head shliach and yeshiva director, gave them a shiur in these halachos. | |||
== The Seven Noahide Laws == | |||
''Extended article - The Seven Noahide Laws'' | |||
Starting in the 1980s, the Rebbe called for action to instill the Sheva Mitzvos B'nei Noach (Seven Noahide Laws) to all of humanity, encouraging all people to observe them, based on the Rambam's ruling that there is an obligation on the Jewish people to ensure that the nations of the world fulfill the Seven Noahide Laws. In his view, the notable lack of engagement with this topic in previous generations stemmed from concern that such activity would be perceived as an attempt to interfere with the gentiles' religion, a concern that barely exists today, and therefore the Jewish obligation to transmit the Seven Mitzvos remains in full force. | |||
The Rebbe saw influencing the nations of the world to observe the Seven Mitzvos as part of the preparation process for the Geulah (Redemption), when all of humanity will fulfill the mitzvos incumbent upon them, and the beginning of his function as Melech HaMoshiach in tikun olam (rectifying the world). | |||
Following his initiative and his Chassidim's activities on the matter, the United States Congress declared the importance of the Seven Noahide Laws as the foundation of modern social morality. | |||
== Education in the American Congress == | |||
''Extended article - Education Day USA'' | |||
In 5738 (1978), the United States Congress decided to declare Yud-Alef Nissan, the Rebbe's birthday, as "Education and Sharing Day," when efforts and resources would be increased to improve education in all educational institutions for all ages throughout the United States. In the text of the proposal submitted by Congress for ratification to then-President Jimmy Carter, the Seven Noahide Laws are mentioned as a model for the moral principles upon which human civilization rests. | |||
In addition, in New York State, numerous "Education Days" are declared each year before Yud-Alef Nissan corresponding to the number of the Rebbe's years. The declaration is delivered by the Governor of New York State and both legislative houses - the Assembly and Senate - in a special ceremony conducted by Rabbi Shmuel Butman. | |||
== A Moment of Silence == | |||
''Extended article - Moment of Silence'' | |||
In 5743 (1983), the Rebbe called for implementing a 'Moment of Silence' in schools worldwide at the beginning of the day, during which students would contemplate for 60 seconds about the Creator of the world, in light of the fact that without recognition of the Creator, there is no guarantee for preserving the fundamental laws that protect human society. | |||
His call met with opposition in the United States, where it was claimed that it contradicted the principle of separation of church and state enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. The Rebbe explained that the principle of separation of church and state was established to allow religious freedom, and this principle requires allowing parents to educate their children about belief in Hashem even in public schools. The Rebbe further emphasized that the school should not interfere with the content of the child's contemplation, and therefore his proposal does not contradict the separation of church and state. | |||
Following the Rebbe's call, President Ronald Reagan signed a proclamation to implement the 'Moment of Silence' in schools across the United States. | |||
== His Seforim == | |||
''Extended articles - The Rebbe's Seforim, The Rebbe's Learning Method'' | |||
Hundreds of seforim document the Rebbe's teachings, some based on the divrei Torah he spoke for hours during his public appearances on Shabbos, Yomim Tovim, and special occasions, and others are collections from his letters on various topics. Most of the Rebbe's words were documented and written by the 'chozrim' - a group of Chassidim with exceptional memory, who would transcribe the Rebbe's words. These sichos were printed in the Sichos Kodesh series and later translated to Hebrew in the Divrei Moshiach and Toras Menachem - Hisvaaduyos series. | |||
Many sichos were edited and reviewed by the Rebbe and printed in Likkutei Sichos (comprising about 40 volumes) and in Sefer HaSichos (comprising about 12 volumes). These sichos contain the Rebbe's Torah chiddushim in various areas - in Chassidus, Kabbalah, Gemara, and even in the simple meaning of Rashi's commentary on the Torah, as they are explained through pshat, drush, remez, and sod, and as was the Rebbe's custom to connect things to the time they were said. Many of the sichos also dealt with instructions for Chassidim and explained his perspectives on world events. | |||
The Rebbe's maamarim (Chassidic discourses) were printed in Sefer HaMaamarim arranged by parsha, and some were edited by the Rebbe and printed in Sefer HaMaamarim - Melukat. Some of his letters containing instructions, advice, and brachos were printed in the Igros Kodesh series. | |||
== Activities by Year == | |||
* 5710 (1950): Establishment of the emissary project in Morocco. Sent first emissaries to Morocco: Rabbi Michael Lipsker and Rabbi Shlomo Matusof. | |||
* 5711 (1951): The Rebbe accepts leadership. Sends Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Chitrik to Brazil. | |||
* 5712: Established "Tzeirei Agudas Chabad" and "N'shei U'Bnos Chabad" | |||
* 5714: First launched the Four Species campaign and Matzah campaign | |||
* 5718: During the 12 Tammuz gathering, the Rebbe called for action in the manner of "Ufaratzta" (spreading forth) | |||
* 5724: Began activities for Russian Jewry | |||
* 5729: Founded Nachalat Har Chabad neighborhood in Kiryat Malachi for immigrants | |||
* 5727: On Lag BaOmer, shortly before the Six-Day War, established the Tefillin campaign | |||
* 5739: Strongly opposed the Camp David Accords regarding giving up the Sinai Peninsula | |||
* 5730: Launched campaign regarding the "Who is a Jew" law | |||
* 5740: Established worldwide Lag BaOmer parades | |||
* 5741: Established Tzivos Hashem organization | |||
* 5751: Delivered talk demanding Chassidim "do all you can" to bring Moshiach | |||
* 5753: Began encouraging the declaration "Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu V'Rabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach L'olam Va'ed" | |||
== Torah and Science == | |||
The Rebbe supported the view that science does not contradict religion, arguing that science's role is merely to hypothesize, and therefore should not be considered against the certainties of Torah. The Rebbe even expressed displeasure with observant scientists who tried to hide Torah views in the face of "scientific hypotheses." | |||
In a private audience with one professor, the Rebbe used as an example the discussion regarding the position of the sun relative to Earth, noting that while 150 years ago most scientists were certain their revolutionary view was "scientific fact," Einstein's Theory of Relativity proved otherwise, and in such matters we have no way to know what truly revolves around what. | |||
The Rebbe also believed that since "everything that God created in His world, He created only for His glory," all scientific discoveries that have been innovated and revealed in recent years are intended to add to God's glory through their utilization for Torah and holiness. Over the years, the Rebbe was careful to harness technology for holiness, encouraged Tanya classes on radio, and even broadcast his gatherings live several times. | |||
== Daily Schedule == | |||
''Extended article - The Rebbe's Daily Schedule'' | |||
For most of the day, the Rebbe's occupation revolved primarily around Torah study and responding to letters sent to him from around the world. Additionally, with increasing frequency over the years, the Rebbe would visit the resting place of his father-in-law, the Previous Rebbe. Furthermore, for decades the Rebbe dedicated time three times a week to receive people for private audiences in his personal room, where he would answer people's questions and guide them in divine service. In later years, due to the heavy burden, the Rebbe discontinued private audiences and began receiving the public in general audiences in his study hall. On 11 Nissan 5746, the Rebbe began distributing dollars for charity every Sunday. Many rabbis and public figures came to the Rebbe during the dollar distribution and private audiences to receive his blessing and advice. | |||
Every Shabbat, a gathering was held with the Rebbe, where he would deliver talks dealing with both the revealed and mystical aspects of Torah, as well as current affairs. Starting in 5725, the Rebbe began analyzing one of Rashi's commentaries on the weekly Torah portion at every gathering. From late 5730, the Rebbe began studying one of his father's commentaries in Likkutei Levi Yitzchak at every gathering, and from 5744, the Rebbe began analyzing one of the daily Rambam lessons at every gathering. | |||
== The Rebbe as Moshiach == | |||
The Rebbe is identified as the Moshiach who will redeem the Jewish people. Recognition of the Rebbe as Moshiach was publicized by Chabad rabbis worldwide and joined by senior rabbis from other groups. The rabbinic publications are through halachic rulings based on halachic precedent and the Rebbe's own references to the subject, where he hinted to his Chassidim that he is the Moshiach and encouraged them to publicize this in various ways. | |||
In 5751, the Rebbe announced the beginning of Moshiach's revelation, and subsequently announced that the leader of our generation received the mission from God to reveal himself as Moshiach. That year, belief in the Rebbe as Moshiach received public expression on several occasions, and the Rebbe approved its publication when he encouraged the Chassidim's singing: "Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu V'Rabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach L'olam Va'ed." | |||
== His Melodies == | |||
In the early years of his leadership, the Rebbe taught melodies, some of which were known and forgotten, and some he composed himself. Usually, the time for teaching melodies was during the Simchat Torah gathering held before dawn, after the Hakafot. | |||
Among the notable melodies: | |||
* Darkecha Elokeinu (5716) | |||
* Asader L'Seudasa (5716) | |||
* Tzama Lecha Nafshi (5718) | |||
* Ata Bechartanu (5721) | |||
* Anim Zemiros (5722) | |||
* Hu Elokeinu (5724) | |||
* V'hi She'amda (5715) | |||
* Ki Anu Amecha (two versions, 5717 and 5724) | |||
* Stav Ya Pitu (5723) | |||
* Rachamana D'anei (5720) | |||
* Shamil (5719) | |||
* Ha'aderes V'ha'emuna (5734) | |||