Mesechtas Yevamot: Revision history

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3 March 2025

2 March 2025

  • curprev 15:0815:08, 2 March 2025Raphaelwilmowsky talk contribs 8,084 bytes +8,084 Created page with "Masechet Yevamot has 16 chapters and 121 pages. The subject of this masechet deals with the laws of yibum (levirate marriage) and chalitzah (the ceremony releasing a woman from yibum), and the laws regarding marrying women whose husbands' whereabouts have been lost. The Mishnah also deals with the specific details of the laws of yibum. Among them: maamar yevamin, which is a form of betrothal specific to a yevamah (the widow requiring yibum). The manner of this betrotha..." Tag: Visual edit