Mesechtas Peah: Revision history

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3 March 2025

2 March 2025

  • curprev 14:2514:25, 2 March 2025Raphaelwilmowsky talk contribs 3,878 bytes +3,878 Created page with "Mesechtas Peah is the second tractate in the Order of Zeraim. Like all tractates in the Order of Zeraim (except for Tractate Berachot), this tractate has no Babylonian Talmud but only Mishnah, Tosefta, and Jerusalem Talmud. The tractate deals with the mitzvah of Peah (setting aside part of the standing crop in the field (before harvesting) for the poor of the nation) and other gifts for the poor. The tractate details the halachot related to this mitzvah, such as who is p..." Tag: Visual edit