Mesechtas Makkot: Revision history

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3 March 2025

2 March 2025

  • curprev 21:0521:05, 2 March 2025Raphaelwilmowsky talk contribs 1,553 bytes +1,553 Created page with "'''Masechet Makkot''' has 3 chapters and 23 pages. The first chapter of the tractate deals with the laws of false witnesses (edim zomemim); the second chapter deals with the laws of unintentional murderers and cities of refuge; the third deals with the laws of lashes (malkot). == Conclusion of the Tractate == In the Mishnah at the end of the tractate it states: Rabbi Chananya ben Akashya says, "The Holy One, Blessed be He, wanted to confer merit upon Israel; therefore H..." Tag: Visual edit