Mesechtas Avodah Zarah: Revision history

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3 March 2025

2 March 2025

  • curprev 21:1021:10, 2 March 2025Raphaelwilmowsky talk contribs 4,488 bytes +4,488 Created page with "'''Masechet Avodah Zarah''' (also known as: Avodat Gilulim, Akum) is the eighth tractate in Seder Nezikin, which is the fourth Order in the Mishnah. This masechet contains five chapters that deal with the prohibition of coming close to gentiles who engage in idol worship (actively). Its parameters, obligations of distancing, and eradicating it from the world. Additionally, the masechet deals with the fundamentals of prohibition and permissibility, therefore it is called..." Tag: Visual edit