User talk:Tachlis
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{{usertalk}} == Talk section 1 == {{welcome}} Adding here as example. [[User:Tachlis|Tachlis]] ([[User talk:Tachlis|talk]]) 19:34, 17 February 2025 (EST) == 砖诇讜诐 转讻诇'住 == 讬砖专 讻讞 注诇 讛转讙讬讬住讜转讱 诇讞讘"讚驻讚讬讛. 专爪讬转讬 诇讻转讜讘 注诇 注谞讬讬谉 诪住讜讬讬诐 讝讛 讘住讚专 诪讘讞讬谞转讱 砖讗讻转讜讘 讘注讘专讬转, 讜讗转讛 讬讻讜诇 诇注谞讜转 诇讬 讘讗谞讙诇讬转, 讗诐 谞讞 诇讱 讬讜转专, 讗讻转讜讘 讘讗谞讙诇讬转 [[User:Shia.k|Shia.k]] ([[User talk:Shia.k|talk]]) 14:20, 24 February 2025 (EST) :Hello Tachlis :Thank you for your contributions and your great investment in Chabadpedia. I wanted to comment: The most needed edits right now in Chabadpedia are to turn it from a collection of articles into an online encyclopedia. :To do this, we need to add interwiki links, categories, and appropriate templates. Highlighting the entry name at the beginning of each article, etc. :Another important thing is adding images to the articles. :With greetings and appreciation --[[User:Shia.k|Shia.k]] ([[User talk:Shia.k|talk]]) 15:20, 25 February 2025 (EST) ::谞.讘. 专拽 讗讞专讬 砖讻转讘转讬 (讘注讝专转 讙讜讙诇 讟专谞住诇讬讬讟), 专讗讬转讬 砖讻转讘转 讘讚祝 砖讬讞转讬 砖讗驻砖专 诇讻转讜讘 讙诐 讘注讘专讬转 谞.讘. 谞讜住祝. 讗诐 讗谞讬 讻讜转讘 诇讱 讘讚祝 讛砖讬讞讛 砖诇讱, 讛讚专讱 讛谞讻讜谞讛 讛讬讗 诇注谞讜转 诇讬 讘讚祝 讛砖讬讞讛 讛讝讛 讜诇讗 诇注讘讜专 诇讚祝 讛砖讬讞讛 砖诇讬. [[User:Shia.k|Shia.k]] ([[User talk:Shia.k|talk]]) 15:20, 25 February 2025 (EST) :::@[[User:Shia.k|Shia.k]], thank you for the message. Yes, these are all things I have been doing, see my [[User:Tachlis|user page]] for a general description of what I have been working on. I am very familiar with the formatting and linking standards. Right now I am working on the [[Template:Beis HaRav]] which will be added to all the related biography pages. This will ensure all of those pages are categorised and linked to each other. [[User:Tachlis|Tachlis]] ([[User talk:Tachlis|talk]]) 17:25, 25 February 2025 (EST) :::@[[User:Shia.k|Shia.k]], I also would advise that this type of coordination take place on a Project Page (e.g., [[Chabadpedia:Welcome]] and [[Chabadpedia:Project 1000]]), there we can have lists of pages that need to be improved, as well as other tasks (adding categories, links, etc.). [[User:Tachlis|Tachlis]] ([[User talk:Tachlis|talk]]) 17:28, 25 February 2025 (EST) ::::讬砖专 讻讞 讗讚讬专. 专讗讬转讬 讗转 讛注专讱 [[Daled Bavos]] 讜讞砖讘转讬 砖讗转讛 注讜住拽 讘转专讙讜诐 注专讻讬诐, 讗讘诇 讻注转 专讜讗讛 砖讗讻谉 讛注专讬讻讜转 砖诇讱 诪诪讜拽讚讜转 讘讚讘专讬诐 讛谞讞讜爪讬诐 讘讬讜转专 砖讗讬谉 讗祝 讗讞讚 砖注讜砖讛 讻专讙注. 诪住讻讬诐 砖讻讚讗讬 诇讛注讘讬专 讗转 讝讛 诇 Welcome 讜讙诐 诇 Project 1000 [[User:Shia.k|Shia.k]] ([[User talk:Shia.k|talk]]) 13:33, 27 February 2025 (EST) ==Template== 砖诇讜诐 转讻诇讬住, 砖诪讬 专驻讗诇 讜讬诇讬诪讜讘住拽讬, 讗谞讬 专拽 专讜爪讛 诇讛讜讚讜转 诇讱 注诇 讛转讘谞讬讜转 砖诇讱 诪诪砖 诪讚讛讬诐, 注诇 讛讚祝 砖诇 专' 讘专讜讱 砖诇讜诐 讛讗诐 讗驻砖专 诇砖讬诐 讗转 转诪讜谞转 诪爪讘转讜 诇驻谞讬 讛转讘谞讬转? 转讜讚讛 专讘讛 Hi @[[User:Raphaelwilmowsky|Raphael]], yes I'd have just made [[Template:Infobox]] for use on biography pages. I have added it to Reb Baruch Shalom's page with the image and a few details. [[User:Tachlis|Tachlis 路 转讻诇讬转]] ([[User talk:Tachlis|talk]]) 06:09, 27 February 2025 (EST) as well there are pages on rebbetzin freide rada the daughter of the tzemach tzedek and her husband, thank you very much.
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