The World of Yetzirah

Olam HaYetzirah - The World of Yetzirah is the third world among the four worlds of ABY"A: Atzilut, Beriah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah.

Olam HaYetzirah is the second among the separate worlds of BY"A, and it is lower than Olam HaBeriah and higher than Olam HaAsiyah.

Olam HaYetzirah was created from Olam HaBeriah in a manner of "something from something." Unlike Olam HaBeriah, which is drawn from Olam HaAtzilut in the aspect of "something from nothing" and still feels its source, Olam HaYetzirah is a new revelation and a new embodiment.

This world is positioned above Olam HaAsiyah, which is the lowest and most physical world.

In this world reside the middot (emotional attributes) of Olam HaAtzilut, as stated in the Tikunim, "Six sefirot nest in Yetzirah." This world in its entirety is called "The World of Angels," where angels serve their Creator with natural love and fear.

Its NatureEdit

Olam HaYetzirah is the second world among the three worlds of BY"A, whose purpose is the descent and constriction of the light received from Olam HaAtzilut, where Ohr Ein Sof (Infinite Light) dwells and unites with it in complete unity, until the formation of Olam HaAsiyah, which is the lowest world with nothing beneath it, close to the dwelling of the chitzonim (external forces) and klipot (shells).

Specifically, Olam HaBeriah is the first world that was formed as a separate world in relation to Olam HaAtzilut, which is in complete unity. After the formation of Olam HaBeriah in the aspect of "something from nothing" from Olam HaAtzilut, the light descends further until the formation of Olam HaYetzirah, which is in the aspect of "something from something." The difference between Olam HaBeriah and Olam HaYetzirah is that Olam HaBeriah is formed directly from Olam HaAtzilut, and therefore its source is felt within it, to the extent that it is called the World of the Throne, which is a vessel for the revelation of the lights of Olam HaAtzilut. In contrast, Olam HaYetzirah is an additional stage in the constriction of light, since it is created from Olam HaBeriah, and therefore its source is not felt within it.

In Olam HaYetzirah, the separate reality from Elokut (Divinity) receives form (in addition to its substance that was created in Olam HaBeriah), and through this it becomes an actual reality, hence its name - Yetzirah (Formation).

However, in relation to Olam HaAsiyah, which is the lowest world among the worlds of ABY"A, Olam HaYetzirah is still in the aspect of divine revelation. Olam HaYetzirah is the revelation of what was concealed in Olam HaBeriah, unlike Olam HaAsiyah, which is the formation of something external and novel. For this reason, Olam HaBeriah is in the aspect of thought, while Olam HaYetzirah is in the aspect of speech, and thought comes to revelation and expression in speech, but it is far from action, which corresponds to Olam HaAsiyah, which is in the category of the formation of something entirely new.

Its Formation and RevelationsEdit

Malchut d'Malchut of Olam HaBeriah becomes Atik Yomin (Ancient of Days) for Olam HaYetzirah. Olam HaYetzirah is created from Olam HaBeriah in the way of "something from something," unlike the formation of Olam HaBeriah from Olam HaAtzilut, which occurs in the manner of "something from nothing."

In Olam HaYetzirah, there are ten sefirot, which are divine powers more elevated than those in Olam HaAsiyah, and from them were created the regular angels and the holy Chayot. In Olam HaYetzirah, there is also kelipat nogah (the translucent shell), which is half good and half evil, unlike Olam HaAsiyah, which is mostly evil.

The Ten Sefirot of the World of YetzirahEdit

The ten sefirot of the World of Yetzirah (Formation) exist as actual entities. The Malchut of Atzilut is clothed in the World of Yetzirah through Metatron, who is called the "Prince of the World." The six extremities (sefirot) of the World of Yetzirah are called "Sandal," and about them it is said in the Baraitot of Shiur Komah. The perception attained by the Tannaim who possessed Ruach HaKodesh (Divine Inspiration) and entered the Pardes was in the World of Yetzirah, whereas the prophets attained perception in the World of Beriah (Creation).

The governance of the world in Eretz Yisrael is according to the six extremities of the World of Beriah, but in Chutz La'aretz (outside the Land of Israel), it is according to the six extremities of the World of Asiyah (Action).

Souls and Angels of the World of YetzirahEdit

Regarding the revelation of the sefirot of the World of Atzilut in the worlds of ABYA (Atzilut, Beriah, Yetzirah, Asiyah), it is said that "six sefirot nest in Yetzirah," meaning that the six emotional attributes of the World of Atzilut dwell in the World of Yetzirah. Because of this, the essence of the World of Yetzirah and of the souls and angels of the World of Yetzirah is work with the middot (emotional attributes), meaning work with natural middot. Therefore, the World of Yetzirah as a whole is called the "World of Angels," since service with natural fear and love is the primary service of angels, and thus the primary place of angels is in this world.

The angels of the World of Yetzirah are called Chayot (living beings). Their essence is service within the realm of middot, and therefore they experience excitement and change, as it is written, "And the Chayot ran and returned," for their service is in a state of "running and returning." And although it is written regarding the Chayot, "When they stood still, they let down their wings," nevertheless, this standing still is due to the revelation from "above the firmament," as the illumination of light from the intellectual faculties extends to them, but from their own perspective, they experience changes.

The souls of the World of Yetzirah are called Shor HaBar (the wild ox).

Angels of the World of Yetzirah are formed from the union of Zeir Anpin and Malchut of the World of Beriah.

Kelipat Nogah of the World of YetzirahEdit

Kelipat Nogah (the translucent shell) of the World of Yetzirah is half good and half evil.