Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Yehoshua Gerlitzky

Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Yehoshua Gerlitzky (born 1954) is one of the Rebbe's shluchim to Eretz HaKodesh, serving as the head shliach and the Rebbe's representative in Tel Aviv, Rabbi of the city center, and chairman of the Rabbinical Congress for Peace for maintaining the shleimus of Eretz Yisroel.

Life HistoryEdit

Born on the 25th of Cheshvan 5714 in Montreal to his father Rabbi Moshe Eliyahu Gerlitzky and his mother Mrs. Chana.

In 5719, he traveled to the Rebbe for the first time with his family before Yud Shevat. During their family yechidus, the Rebbe turned to his father and asked why he hadn't written the son's name in the pan, and added it himself in his holy handwriting. The Rebbe then asked him if he knew Shema Yisroel, and in response, he placed his hand over his eyes and recited the entire parsha until "u'vishaarecha". The Rebbe responded with pleasure, saying "Very good... very good..."

After Yud Shevat, he participated in another yechidus where all the children who came from Montreal entered the Rebbe's room, and the Rebbe delivered a sicha before them.

In his youth, he studied at Tomchei Tmimim Montreal and Tomchei Tmimim 770. He married Mrs. Hinda, daughter of the Gufin family.

In 5736, he was sent by the Rebbe to Persia and the Far East.

In 5738, he was sent by the Rebbe to Tzfat as part of the "Shluchim to Eretz HaKodesh" group. In 5740, he received instructions from the Rebbe to find a permanent shlichus in one of Israel's cities. In 5741, he received the Rebbe's bracha to establish Chabad Lubavitch Center in Tel Aviv and develop educational institutions and Chabad Houses throughout Tel Aviv-Yafo.

Additionally, he serves as the Rabbi of central Tel Aviv and as Rabbi of the Chabad synagogue "Geulat Yisroel".

Rabbi Gerlitzky founded in Tel Aviv the Talmud Torah 'Ohalei Menachem' al taharat hakodesh, kindergartens, Chabad Yeshiva "Chazon Eliyahu" for baalei teshuva, 'Machon Shoshana' for female baalei teshuva, Kollel "Tiferet Zekenim" and over fifty Chabad Houses. He is one of the few shluchim who merited to be called by the Rebbe as "my representative."

He served as a member of Irgun Gag until its dissolution by the Rebbe in Nissan 5750. After the organization's cancellation, he received a special holy response from the Rebbe: "Reward for withdrawing from Irgun Gag but not chas v'shalom withdrawal from activities against pikuach nefesh of Bnei Yisroel sheyichyu. I will mention at the tziyun." In light of this response, he later established the Pikuach Nefesh organization - Rabbinical Congress for Peace, which includes over 400 leading rabbonim of Israel, which he heads.

Rabbi Gerlitzky participated in the Geulah and Moshiach gathering held in Kikar Malchei Yisroel on 28 Sivan 5755, organized by Rabbi Zimroni Tzik.

Over the years, Rabbi Gerlitzky has developed close personal relationships with many public figures, and he utilizes these connections to help shluchim throughout Israel and to establish and develop Chabad institutions in the land.



  • Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gerlitzky - The Rebbe's shliach and CEO of Chabad institutions in Tel Aviv and Rabbi of the C&C synagogue
  • Rabbi Yeshayahu Gerlitzky - Among the Rebbe's shluchim in Tel Aviv and director of Chabad House at Tel Aviv University
  • Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Gerlitzky - Among the Rebbe's shluchim in Tel Aviv and director of Chabad House in the Tzahala neighborhood
  • Rabbi Nota Gerlitzky - Mashpia in Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Lod
  • Rabbi Nachum Gerlitzky - The Rebbe's shliach in the city center
  • Rabbi Yisroel Gerlitzky - Among the Rebbe's shluchim in Tel Aviv and director of Chabad Center in the city center
  • Rabbi Shneur Zalman Gerlitzky - The Rebbe's shliach to Poria Ilit (near Tverya)
  • Rabbi Shalom Gerlitzky - Lod
  • Rabbi Baruch Gerlitzky - Mashpia in Yeshivas Ohalei Tmimim Kfar Chabad and director of the Mivtzoim Division in Tzeirei Chabad


  • Rabbi Meir Aryeh Schmerling - Among the Rebbe's shluchim in Tel Aviv, and Rosh Yeshiva of Chazon Eliyahu Tel Aviv
  • Rabbi Shaul Reices - Among the Rebbe's shluchim in Tel Aviv, and head of Kollel Tiferet Zekenim Levi Yitzchak in Tel Aviv
  • Rabbi Mordechai Chazan - Among the Rebbe's shluchim in Cholon
  • Rabbi Menachem Mendel Altein - Among the Rebbe's shluchim in Winnipeg, Canada

Further ReadingEdit

  • "A Wonder in Yechidus", within the project 'In Holiness, Alone with the Rebbe', Kfar Chabad Weekly Issue 1954 page 46