Moshe Leib Rodstein
Rabbi Moshe Leib Rodstein (also known as Zusha Shifrin; 5660/1900 - 9 Cheshvan 5728/1967) was a member of the secretariat of the Rebbe Rayatz and of the Rebbe.
Born as Zusha Shifrin in Lithuania, he studied at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch. After World War I, he fled from Russia. During his escape, he changed his name to "Moshe Leib Rodstein," and kept this name until his passing. (In his later years, he sometimes signed his name as 'Zusha Rodstein').
When he left Russia, he went to live in Warsaw.
In 5684/1924, he married Mrs. Keila, daughter of R' Yisroel Chanowitz, shochet of Globoka.
Secretary of the Rebbe RayatzEdit
From 5688/1928 onward, he served as secretary of Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in Warsaw.
In the month of Shevat 5689/1929, he was sent as a shadar (emissary) of the Rebbe Rayatz to travel around Polish towns and collect money for matzos for the Jews of Russia.
He served as secretary to the Rebbe Rayatz from Tammuz 5692/1932 until 5701/1941. During that time, he transcribed the reshima of the Rebbe Rayatz - the chronicles of Rebbetzin Rivka. From his transcription, the reshima was published by Otzar HaChassidim in 5762/2002. In 5699/1939, he fled together with the Rebbe Rayatz to Riga.
On 19 Elul 5700/1940, he fled together with Rabbi Shmuel Zalmanov and Rabbi Yitzchak Dov Ushpal from Riga to the city of Vladivostok in eastern Russia, from there they continued to Japan. From there they continued to the United States, where they arrived in the city of San Francisco, from which they traveled by train to New York, arriving there in the month of Cheshvan 5701/1940. When they arrived, a festive announcement about this was published in Hakriah V'hakedusha. When R' Moshe Leib arrived in New York, he merited to have a yechidus with the Rebbe Rayatz, who was very happy to receive him, and instructed him to travel to Chicago to serve as director of Agudas Chassidei Chabad Chicago and director of Tomchei Tmimim Chicago, together with HaGaon R' Meir Greenberg.
In 5706/1946, he returned to serve as secretary to the Rebbe Rayatz and accompanied him on all his journeys. As part of his work, he was responsible for typing letters.
The Rebbe's SecretaryEdit
After the passing of The Rebbe Raynard on 10 Shevat 5710 (1950), he was among the members of the Lubavitch committee that managed the activities for the coronation of the Rebbe.
After the Rebbe accepted the leadership on 10 Shevat 5711 (1951), he served as the Rebbe's secretary - personal attendant and was responsible for typing letters in Hebrew together with Rabbi Shalom Mendel Simpson. He served in this role until his passing.
In 5711 (1951), he worked extensively to encourage the Rebbe to begin editing sichos [source needed]. He founded the Committee for Spreading Sichos [source needed] and the Committee for Spreading Chassidus. He was a member of Agudas Chassidei Chabad in the United States and secretary of the Committee for Building the Ohel.
He passed away after an illness on 9 Cheshvan 5728 (1967), and was buried near the holy Ohel.
Further ReadingEdit
- Shalom DovBer Levin, The Secretary Rabbi Moshe Leib Rotshtein, in: History of Chabad in Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, New York 5771 (2011), pp. 357-359.
- Menachem Ziegelboim, Stories from the Rebbe's Room, 5769 (2009).
- Yosef Ashkenazi, Otzar HaChassidim - The Personalities and Chassidic Teachings of Chabad Mashpi'im in New York, Chazak 5773 (2013).
- The Rebbe's Secretary in Disguise, Beis Moshiach Weekly 10 Adar 5780 (2020) page 30
- Mendi Kortes, The Secretary and Confidant, Kfar Chabad Weekly, Issue 1941
- Issue of A Chassidisher Derher
External LinksEdit
- The Rebbe's Loyal Secretary That Almost No One Knows About • Part 2