Lubavitch and Its Soldiers (Book)

The book "Lubavitch and Its Soldiers" is an autobiographical-historical album containing descriptions of the town of Lubavitch, Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch and its schedules, and the Tmimim (students) and their activities.


The book was published in 1982 in honor of the 85th anniversary of the Yeshiva's founding (1897-1982).

The book is divided into two parts:

  1. The appearance, character, and management of the Yeshiva in Lubavitch
  2. Names and photographs of its students with brief profiles about the essence of each photographed Tamim

The book was written by Rabbi Raphael Nachman Cohen, who was himself a student of the Yeshiva, with the encouragement and blessing of the Rebbe who wrote several times to the elder Tmimim about their obligation and necessity to document everything they knew about Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim. It was printed over the years in two editions.

When Rabbi Cohen informed the Rebbe about the plan to write the book, the Rebbe responded: "Any true description and story of Lubavitch is understood to be good and necessary for the times." After presenting the manuscript to the Rebbe before publication, the Rebbe said: "It is worthy to print after being reviewed by two people, as it is written 'two are better than one.'" Indeed, after editing, the book was given to Rabbi Zalman Shimon Dvorkin, known for his remarkable memory, and to Rabbi Zev Wolf Leybov son of Rabbi Moshe the Scribe, and each one commented and corrected according to his memory.

Second EditionEdit

The second edition was published in 2013. The changes made were mainly technical, except for the list of Tmimim that was added in the final pages of the book, based on the Sefer HaTmimim (Book of the Tmimim).

See AlsoEdit

Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch